Main Aims

Develop their ability to use English in personal and social communications, to develop relationships, complete transactions and carry meet every needs.

 Increase their engagement with cultural and intercultural activities in english, in order to develop a better understanding of their own culture as well as other cultures around the world.

 Develop their ability to teach in a school environment where english is an important aspect of the school´s approach. Schools are expected to use english increasingly for various teaching and learning activities, and future teachers need to be confident in using english in the school environment.


  • Generic competences

Use critical and creative thought for solving problems and taking decisions.

 Learn in an autonomous way and demonstrate initiative for self-regulation and stregthen her/his personal development.

 Cooperate to bring about innovative projects having a social impact.

 Act with in an ethical way, by interiorizing social rules and principles needed for a better coexistence.

 Use information and communications technology , as well as other languages, for understading, explaining and offering alternative solutions to the problems encountered.

  •  Professional competences

Detected the learning processes of its students to favor their cognitive and socio-emotional development.

 Apply the plan and study programs to achieve educational purposes and contribute to the full development of the abilities of their students.

 Design plans applying their curricular, psychipedagogical, disciplinary, didactic and techological knowledge to Foster inclusive learning environments that respond to the needs of all students within the framework of the plan and study programs.

 Use the evaluation to intervene in the different áreas and moments of the educational task to improve the learning of their students.

 Integrates resources of educational research to enrich their profesional practice, expressing their interest in knowledge, science and education improvement.

 Acts in an ethical manner before the diversity of situacions that that arise in profesional practice.

 Collaborate with the school community, parents, authorities and teachers, in decisión making and in the development of alternative solutions to socio-educational problems.

Subjects- specific competences developed by the course

Describe ways of living from different cultures to appreciate their diversity.

 Use language to establish harmonious and responsable relationships when exercising citizenship.

 Reflecto n one´s own learning process to act consciously in communicative exchanges.

 Understand and produce texts to participate in a variety of everyday and concrete situacions.

 Exchange basic information about personal and profesional experiences.

 Recognize cultural differences when participating in brief and common exchanges.

  Learning Unit 1: Introductions, transport and homes

  • Learning activities/examples

Give personal information about yourself and others.

Understand and say Greetings, courtesy and farewell expresions.

State personal information about yourself and others.

Name personal characteristics about yourself and others.

Give phone numbers.

Vocabulary focus: Use numbers 0-100.

Grammar focus: Use verb to be to give basic information about name age, nationality, etc.

 Learning Unit Objective 2. Follow basic directions for transport

  • Learning activities/axamples

Share information about transportation.

Name different ways of travelling.

Say prices.

 Learning Unit Objective 3. Talk about places where people live

  • Learning activities/examples

Share basic information about living spaces.

Name different types of homes.

Count living spaces and home objects.

Describe living spaces and home objects.

Vocabulary focus: Use adjectives to describe romos and furniture.


Grammar focus: Use a/an to indicate singular objects and-s to indicate plural objects.